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26/11/2012 19:27
2012-2013 - the linguistic, pure intellectual adventure of the platform is always online! Cool

12/05/2011 21:19
Video-lessons on the platform have started! Please check timetables published on the Forum of the Evaluation space, to join the lessons with your pupils!

28/03/2011 22:40
Hi to everyone!!! We are all waiting to visit Roxana!!! Smile

19/01/2011 20:16
Good work in 2011!

09/10/2010 16:22
New information and improvements of the platform and of the main site - october 2010!

08/09/2010 01:06
Hello everyone in the project!!! Your visit in Poland is coming soon. Right now we are preparing everything. I hope by the end of the week we will send you all necessary information about your stay

The news magazine of the National Agency Lifelong Learning from Romania

Journal of the project... just was published: it has inside the official announcement of the award of second European Label to our multilateral project. There is also an article signed by Alexandru Mîtã, the Coordinator of "Multimedia E-Platform..." about the second project - the bilateral one - that's he's coordinating in 2009-2011.
You can read the news HERE, on the Romanian website of Lifelong Learning Agency
or on OUR WEBSITE, HERE (where you can even download the PDF document).


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