The 8th of April 2016, we organize in Vaslui an important event, with scientific and practical character, under the frame of Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership “Comics in Teaching Languages/La BD en classe de langues”:  The International Symposium for the Intergenerational Education.

An important place will be dedicated to the spreading of results of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership “Comics in Teaching Languages/La BD en classe de langues” – teachers from the coordinator project team will participate with scientific reports, pupils will bring their testimonies as direct participants, the partners from abroad will all participate by the mean of the videoconference system/video recordings.

Until now – the  30th of March 2016, there are almost 500 participants - from all Romania and from abroad! And they continue to send us their works on the intergenerational didactic dialogue!

We will broadcast live all this event on Youtube and we will also share this experience through the documentary movie we will produce, through the scientific works and presentations that will be published in the special didactic magazine “Hourglasses”, published on this occasion and by the special number of our “Scaramouche” Comics Didactic Magazine that we prepare.