Project products

3 episodes of the mini-series of the comics created by Antonis Antoniou

Here we have some beautiful comics made by Antonis Antoniou, the Cypriot project coordinator, organized in 3 cartoons. They tell you a story inspired by some real facts, on the theme of the 1st number of the future Magazine of the project, "Scaramouche". which is  "Romania". Antonis used pictures taken during the 1st transnational meeting from Vaslui, then he created the story, the dialogues, he also put into practice the new skills acquired during the training courses from Vaslui... and of course the messages and the learnings hidden between the lines. One of them is to cultivate the friendship, the intercomprehension and the peace.

Enjoy these fine short-movies!

Read more: 3 episodes of the mini-series of the comics created by Antonis Antoniou

3e fiche didactique - parler d'une BD/faire des suppositions

La troisième fiche didactique en français (niveau B1) a été utilisée pour réaliser une activité démonstrative durent la première réunion internationale du projet de Vaslui. Vous pouvez également observer la modalité d'exploitation proposée, dans le film documentaire ci-dessous (à partir de la 5-ème minute jusqu'à la 25-ème).

Read more: 3e fiche didactique - parler d'une BD/faire des suppositions

... and the 7th poll for visual identity! Frosinone's turn!

We happily observe our intense work for the project of all our partners. The children from Frosinone 3 School created lots of beautiful images and we invite you to watch them and to evaluate them!

We wish you a nice journey among those pictures inspired from fairy-tales !

Read more: ... and the 7th poll for visual identity! Frosinone's turn!

11-11-2015 - Activities of the 1st Transnational Meeting

We present you the photo album with the story of 11-11-2015, a project day full of events, because it contained:

1) didactic sequences with the use of Comics prepared by the members of the project team from the coordinating institution;

2) the study on the spot of using Comics to teach at little age;

3) training courses.

Enjoy our album!

Read more: 11-11-2015 - Activities of the 1st Transnational Meeting

12-11-2015 - Activities of the 1st Transnational Meeting

Finally, the photo album with the story of 12-11-2015, a day with plenty of activities, too:

1) Didactic sequences - Comics in teaching languages;

2) Using comics at little age at Kindergarten 19 Vaslui; Art at school at "Alexandra Nechita" College from Vaslui;

3) Training courses.

Just enjoy!

Read more: 12-11-2015 - Activities of the 1st Transnational Meeting

Products of the training courses from Vaslui

We proudly present you some of the products of our training courses from Vaslui, made in order to explain the project philosophy and to provide new competences for the national coordinators and to the participating project team members. The courses took place in 11th and 12th of November 2015, at "M. Kogãlniceanu" High School.

Read more: Products of the training courses from Vaslui

The 1st episode of the documentary movie of the project

 The 1st episode of the documentary movie of the project contains the story of the 1st major event of our strategic partnership: the International Practical Seminar “New Didactic Issues for Learning Languages and Interculturality through Comics / Nouvelles approches didactiques pour apprendre les langues modernes et l’interculturalité par le biais de la BD” . In this movie, you will observe for sure, among guests, hosts and very intersting presentations, the cat Tamy, one of the gorgeous mascots of our project which invites you from time to time to visit the main website - Enjoy!

Generic of "Comics in teaching languages" by Paul Alexandru Răileanu

We proudly present you the generic of the project proposed and created by Paul Alexandru Răileanu, pupil from the X-th C grade (bilingual French - natural sciences profile) from the coordinating institution.

Enjoy (and LIKE it on all social networks using the buttons bellow)!

La 2-e fiche didactique - niveau A2 + en langue française - Pif (1)

La deuxième fiche didactique sur la BD - niveau A2+ en langue française - comporte deux sections: la première, de civilisation, présente la chronologie du magazine de Pif pour proposer de suite, dans la deuxième section, un modèle d'exploitation didactique d'un fragment de bande dessinée avec ces deux sympathiques et très attachants héros demi-centenaires: Pif et Hercule.

Bonne lecture et faites-en joli usage pour un meilleur apprentissage du français!

Read more: La 2-e fiche didactique - niveau A2 + en langue française - Pif (1)

Fiche no. 1 - langue française, niveau intermédiaire A2-B1

La créativité peut pleinement se manifester dans notre projet. Celle des profs tout comme celle des élèves. Voilà, par exemple, une première fiche multimédias qui ouvre les portes de l'inspiration pédagogique de l'apprentissage du français par le biais de la BD pour les deux années du projet à venir...

Read more: Fiche no. 1 - langue française, niveau intermédiaire A2-B1