Dissemination article in Italy: Nearer to Europe
Posted by alexandrumita on June 29 2010 15:45:39
Interesting Multimedia Initiative promoted by L.Pietrobono Media School
Ciociaria Oggi
Saturday 06/ February 2010
Nearer to Europe
Partners from Portugal, Poland and Romania
The L.Pietrobono Media School in Frosinone , led by the principal Patrizia Carfagna, opens even more to Europe. Since many years that school has been intensified cultural exchanges involving teachers and students too. So that, Europe is nearer than before and the education learns how to achieve it by the consciousness that the idea of European dimension of Education that implies a dynamic way like an unceasing interactive process based on the respect of the multiculturalism that its a cultural heritage and richness of people of Europe .Some days ago the school has been housed a foreign teachers and students delegation coming from different European countries all involved in a multilateral project Comenius . That project is financed by the Common Europe has been involved besides Italian school other five European partners like The Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga in Porugal ; the Publiczne Gimnazjum Francizka Becinskiego of Radziejow in Poland; Liceul Teoretic Mihail Kogalniceanu of Vaslui (the coordinator) and the Scoala Cu Clasele I-VIII Oantu Pingarati both in Romania.
This project called Multimedia E- Platform for the Democratic Learning of Languages" has the aim to prepare a multimedia platform for the learning of foreign languages - English, French, Spanish and Italian thanks to the information technologies too. The coordinator of the Project in Frosinone is Anna Maria Montuori , teacher of Italian language - the other team members are : Luciana Mancini and Aurora Sacchi , teachers of English; Rafaella Fallerini and Pilar Temino, teachers of Spanish; Onorata Coletta , teacher of Italian; Antonio De Lucia and Giulia Pica, teachers of Music and Natalia Pechivandou from Greece, a French language assistant .
The main intend of the project is to promote the cross cultural understanding of education , through the learning of foreign languages, the use of the new information technologies by an e-learning plan shared with the other educational institutions involved in the partnership in order to make easy the interdisciplinary learning methods and the knowledge between the European level and the global level of the new techniques. Using the platform of the project on Internet will integrate the learning of foreign languages and encourages the study, allowing the distance learning also that the lifelong learning.