Understanding Test Scores webinar (Cambridge)
- Detalii
- Categorie: Pagina 1
- Publicat: Luni, 07 Noiembrie 2016 12:57
- Scris de Alexandru Mîţă
- Accesări: 3270
We would like to invite you to join the Cambridge English Language Assessment webinar
on test scores.
Many teachers get into language teaching because they are better at dealing with words than with numbers. However, there is no getting away from marking and test scores!
In this webinar, we will discuss all things related to test scores: percentages and pass marks, standardised scores and scale scores, marking and weighting, and more in order to help teachers understand better how it all works and what it all means.
There are two options you can choose from:
Monday 14 November 16.00 - 17.00 or Wednesday 16 November 12.00 - 13.00
Please register for the webinar here
Best wishes,
British Council Team
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Teaching English website [http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/]
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