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26/11/2012 19:27
2012-2013 - the linguistic, pure intellectual adventure of the platform is always online! Cool

12/05/2011 21:19
Video-lessons on the platform have started! Please check timetables published on the Forum of the Evaluation space, to join the lessons with your pupils!

28/03/2011 22:40
Hi to everyone!!! We are all waiting to visit Roxana!!! Smile

19/01/2011 20:16
Good work in 2011!

09/10/2010 16:22
New information and improvements of the platform and of the main site - october 2010!

08/09/2010 01:06
Hello everyone in the project!!! Your visit in Poland is coming soon. Right now we are preparing everything. I hope by the end of the week we will send you all necessary information about your stay


Enter the PLATFORM!



The 10-th of February 2010, the International Jury decided that one of the European Language Label Certificates 2009

goes to our project!

The 31-st of January 2011, the jury decided that European Language Label Certificate for 2010, goes to our project, AGAIN! It's a WORLD RECORD!

It's a very big honour and it motivates us very much.
This prize also let us use the Logo of the European Label on every product or paper of the project or linked to the project.

This platform is a final conjoint product of the multilateral Comenius project "Multimedia E-Platform for the Democratic Learning of the Foreign Languages" 2009-2011

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

· alexandrumita on January 24 2010 16:11:25 · 0 Comments · 36480 Reads · Print
2012-2013 - the adventure of the E-Platform is continuing!!

Nous vous présentons une leçon démonstrative du secrétaire de l'ARPF Vaslui, Alexandru Mîtã, pour les profs de FLE - membres de l'ARPF du département de Vaslui, du 23 novembre 2012, à l'occasion de la réunion pédagogique semestrielle. Le sujet de la leçon - les nouvelles règles de l'orthographe française. Cette leçon a été inspirée par une conférence donnée par M Robert Massart (Association Belge des Professeurs de Français) dans les villes de Piatra-Neamt et de Bîrlad, au mois de septembre 2012.

La leçon s'est déroulée sur la plateforme du projet Multimedia E-Platform... -

(nom d'usager et mot de passe pour un compte-visiteur - guest).

Les élèves participants appartiennent au profil bilingue - français (sciences sociales) - Xe F du Lycée Théorique "Mihail Kogãlniceanu" de Vaslui - Roumanie.

Si vous souhaitez inscrire vos classes et utiliser la plateforme dans vos cours de français, envoyez un mél à l'adresse du créateur et de l'administrateur de la plateforme, Alexandru Mîtã - mitaalexandru @ avec un liste de vos élèves et leurs courriels, pour qu'on leur crée les comptes d'accès.

Notre plateforme est un dépôt important de ressources pédagogiques pour l'apprentissage des langues - pas seulement pour le FLE. Elle est le produit principal d'un projet multilatéral Comenius homonyme, qu'on vient d'achever en 2011. Le projet a d'ailleurs été récompensé en 2009 et en 2010, de deux Certificats Label Linguistique Européen de la Commission Européenne pour qualité et innovation dans l'apprentissage des langues. Plusieurs infos, ainsi que les documentaires du projet, sur le site principal

Les sites de l'Association Roumaine des Professeurs de Français - l'ARPF:

· alexandrumita on November 24 2012 23:39:30 · Print
Follow-up of the project (1)
NewsThe coordinator of the multilateral Comenius project "Multimedia E-Platform" was selected by an international Jury to participate to the 2nd Congress of International Federation of French Teachers from Prague (7-10th of September 2011). There, he represented Romania, the Romanian French Teachers Association, but also the multilateral Comenius project, because his scientific communication was about using the project platform in teaching French language. We invite you to see some pictures of the event, together with the documentary films he made there. We also invite you to read the scientific paper and the programme of the Congress, we publish here.

· alexandrumita on September 15 2011 23:54:05
0 Comments · 37490 Reads · Print
Follow-up of the project
NewsA press article about the project from the newspaper "La Provincia" of Frosinone (September 2011)
· alexandrumita on September 15 2011 23:14:26
0 Comments · 66435 Reads · Print
Final products of our project
Final products

Methodology, in-service training courses, Good Practice handbooks, training sessions, theoretical issues, the open-source, Music in teaching languages ... you can now donwload and use for free all the other final products of our project

These are final conjoint products of the multilateral Comenius project "Multimedia E-Platform for the Democratic Learning of the Foreign Languages" 2009-2011

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Training session - working with the platform

Donwload on your computer the Training Session

In-Service Training for Teachers - Multimedia

Download In-Service Training for Teachers - Multimedia - the soft -

Theoretical Issues

Methodology - Working with the Platform

Claroline 1.10.4 Open Source

E-Book of Good Practice - 1st part

E-Book of Good Practice - 2nd part

E-Book of Good Practice - 3rd part

Download the Albums containing the songs for Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages

· alexandrumita on July 27 2011 23:46:25
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Final evaluation of the project - Interviews
Final productsDuring our last project reunion from Oantu-Romania, we realized a big common interview with all the project coordinators and their main project teams.

· alexandrumita on July 27 2011 23:23:26
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TV Show at Prima TV&TLM Piatra-Neamt
Documentaries of the projectThe final reunion of the project (Oantu, Neamt Department, Romania) was presented to the press in Romania, through a press conference and a TV show. We proudly present you the record of this TV show:

TV SHOW AT PRIMA TV and TLM about the project, in 2010

NEWS from 2010 about the project - PRESS REVIEW

NEWS about Painting Exhibition at CCD/TLM&PRIMA TV

NEWS about European Label 2010 at TLM/PRIMA TV


The 21st of May 2011, the International Symposium "School of the future" took place in Vaslui, organized by a team of teachers and school inspectors at School no. 4 Vaslui. Alexandru Mîtã, the coordinator of the project, participated to this event, presenting our project. Under his guidance, the other project coordinators from the partner institutions, published articles about implementing the project in the Symposium Scientific Magazine.

· alexandrumita on June 26 2011 19:30:50
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Comenius week 2011
Journal of the projectDuring this week, we started the international live lessons on the platform. This is our way to celebrate this event.

· alexandrumita on May 01 2011 15:36:54
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Images from the European Label Awards Ceremony - 6-th of March 2011
Journal of the project

· alexandrumita on March 07 2011 19:34:38
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The 2nd European Label for our project
Journal of the projectThe ceremony of European Label awards takes place in Bucharest, in March 2011. We are now able to show you the movie made by Roxana and her team. This movie will be also presented to Bucharest.

· alexandrumita on February 23 2011 19:36:17 · Print
The news magazine of the National Agency Lifelong Learning from Romania
Journal of the project... just was published: it has inside the official announcement of the award of second European Label to our multilateral project. There is also an article signed by Alexandru Mîtã, the Coordinator of "Multimedia E-Platform..." about the second project - the bilateral one - that's he's coordinating in 2009-2011.
You can read the news HERE, on the Romanian website of Lifelong Learning Agency
or on OUR WEBSITE, HERE (where you can even download the PDF document).
· alexandrumita on February 07 2011 18:31:03
0 Comments · 27847 Reads · Print
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