The didactic magazine "Clepsidre/Hourglasses"
- Detalii
- Categorie: Pagina 1
- Publicat: Marți, 16 Iunie 2015 08:51
- Scris de Alexandru Mîţă
- Accesări: 2255
The didactic magazine "Clepsidre/Hourglasses" ISSN 2360-4948/ISSN-L 2360-4948 was issued after the International Symposium for Intergenerational Education organized the 24th of April at Vaslui/Romania, in the frame of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership "Thesaurus" 2013-2015"
All the institutions and all the coordinators involved in the implementation of "Thesaurus" brought their contribution to this mega-edition of the magazine "Clepsidre/Hourglasses". It has 400 pages and, in open-source variant, it also contains a multimedia gallery. With more than 200 contributors from Romania (of 20 departments), Moldavia, Portugal Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, from all kind of specialists in education, from kindergarten teachers to university professors or adult trainers, this magazine contributes with added value to the institutionalization of a coherent educative dialogue among generations and cultures.
We wish you a nice discovery and an enriching intellectual experience!