For English teachers: Free webinar. Experimenting with the flipped classroom
- Detalii
- Categorie: Pagina 1
- Publicat: Sâmbătă, 10 Ianuarie 2015 07:44
- Scris de Alexandru Mîţă
- Accesări: 1789
Vă redau aici anunţul făcut de domnul Jürgen Wagner, organizatorul webinarelor din Landesinstitut fur Padagogik und Medien LMP Saarland (Germania).
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Invitation to a free webinar – in English. The title of the webinar is "Experimenting with the flipped classroom".
- discussion of the experiences gained in a project where the flipped classroom concept was applied in an international and collaborative context.
- presentation of an eTwinning project that allowed teachers from 15 different schools and from 8 different countries to experiment with the concept and share their findings.
Date: 12.01.2015. From 20:00 to 21:30 (Bucharest time)
Organiser: Jürgen Wagner - Landesinstitut fur Padagogik und Medien LMP Saarland
Presenter: Marie-Hélène Fasquel
Host: Russel Stannard
Access link (write your real FULL name as username to enter):
You will get a Certificate of Attendance!