Erasmus+ project “Comics in Teaching Languages/La BD en classe de langues” financed by European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme with an European budget of 95820 Euro (30450 Euro for the C
oordinator), answers to a strong need issued after an analysis of needs of renewal the strategies of teaching and learning languages following the key competencies and to the necessity of increasing pupils’ motivation in order to improve the quality of language learning,of cultural and communicative aspects at the level of 7 European schools and will be implemented in 2015-17,in an international partnership coordinated by Theoretical High School “M.Kogălniceanu” Vaslui Romania, institution with a big experience of 14 years in coordinating European projects and 7 European Language Labels.
The main objective of the project is to increase the quality of language learning by promoting intercultural European education centered on comics, through the main key competencies: communication in foreign languages (English, French, Italian), digital competencies, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and the cultural responsiveness and expression.
The specific objectives: