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The Intellectual Output - the Learning Management System - access details

Dear visitor of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership “Comics in Teaching Languages/La BD en classe de langues”! If you want to visit our Intellectual Output – the Learning Management System, please use one of the free visitors accounts: (a) username&password: guest1 or (b) username&password: guest2


Dear teachers, trainers, parents and pupils interested by our Intellectual Output – the Learning Management System of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership “Comics in Teaching Languages/La BD en classe de langues”. In order to get full access to our resources, please send a request to the LMS administrators at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and mention:

- name and first name,

- your institution, town&country

-your email

... and you will soon get an account for accessing all the course spaces of the platform. The same details should be provided for your pupils, too, if you want them to be members of the LMS.

... OR use the registration form that we created in the LMS!

You will get the accounts in the same day of your request!